
Social Media Tactics: 8 Proven Ways to Boost Your Business Growth (Even If You’re Afraid of Tech)

Entrepreneurs, Social Media, Tips

April 20, 2023

a close-up of a book




As an entrepreneur of a certain age, you might feel intimidated by the ever-changing landscape of social media. But fear not! Social media is an essential tool for growing your business, and with a little know-how, you can leverage its power to connect with your audience, increase your reach, and boost your bottom line.

social media growth chart


Before you dive into the more advanced features of social media, make sure you have a solid foundation. Determine your social media goals and identify the platforms that align with your target audience and objectives. This step is crucial to ensure that you’re not spreading yourself too thin and focusing on the platforms where your audience is most active.

Once you’ve identified the platforms, make sure your profiles are consistent with your branding and messaging across all channels. Use keywords in your social media profiles and posts to increase visibility in search results. Having a clear and consistent brand presence across all channels helps your audience recognize and remember your brand.

Finally, use call-to-actions in your profiles to encourage followers to take a specific action, such as visiting your website or signing up for your newsletter. These CTAs help drive traffic to your website and convert followers into customers.


Social media is all about engaging your audience with compelling content. Experiment with different types of content, such as behind-the-scenes looks at your business, user-generated content, or industry news. Use the platforms to showcase your unique brand personality and voice.

One way to add personality to your online presence is to use humor, emotion, or storytelling to create engaging content that resonates with your audience. These posts can help create an emotional connection with your audience, making them more likely to engage with your content and share it with their own followers.

Another way to engage your audience is to conduct polls or surveys to gather feedback and get your audience involved in your content creation process. This approach can help build loyalty and a sense of community around your brand.

Get creative with your social media content by using visual elements such as images, graphics, and videos. With tools like Canva, you can create stunning designs and graphics for your posts even if you don’t have a background in design. Canva offers a range of customizable templates that you can use to create professional-looking social media posts in minutes. Experiment with different types of content and visual styles to find what resonates with your audience. Showcase your unique brand personality and voice with Canva’s easy-to-use design tools.


Social media is a two-way street. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, and starting conversations. Encourage user-generated content by creating contests or giveaways that involve your audience. This approach helps create a sense of community around your brand, fostering loyalty and increasing word-of-mouth marketing.

Another way to build a community is to collaborate with other businesses or influencers in your industry to co-create content, host events, or create promotions. This approach helps expand your reach and credibility online, as well as generate user-generated content and boost engagement.

Finally, engage in conversations and provide value to your audience by sharing helpful tips, industry news, or answering questions. By providing value to your audience, you create a reputation as a helpful and knowledgeable expert in your field.


Regularly posting quality content is key to building a following on all platforms. Here are a few ways to be consistent with your social media content:

  • Develop a content calendar: Developing a content calendar can help you plan your content in advance and ensure a consistent posting frequency. Use your content calendar to plan your posts, ensuring that you’re sharing a mix of promotional content, curated content, and user-generated content.
  • Experiment with posting times: Experiment with different posting times and days to see what works best for your audience. Use platform analytics to identify the times when your audience is most active and adjust your content calendar accordingly.
  • Use automation tools: Use automation tools to schedule your posts in advance and free up time for other tasks. Tools like Meta Business Suite, Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social allow you to schedule your posts in advance, ensuring a consistent posting frequency.

By being consistent with your social media content and monitoring your brand’s mentions on the platforms that you use, you can build a strong following and create a positive perception of your brand.


Most social media platforms offer insights and analytics to help you track your performance and understand what works best for your audience. Use data to identify new opportunities for growth and expansion on SM platforms. Here are a few ways to make the most of the analytics:

  • Monitor trends: Use analytics to monitor trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, if you notice that your audience engages more with video content, you might shift your strategy to focus more on creating video content.
  • Identify your most engaged audience: Use analytics to identify your most engaged audience and create customer personas based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points. Use this information to create targeted content that speaks directly to your audience’s needs.
  • Track your performance: Use analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy as needed. Monitor your engagement rates, follower growth, and click-through rates to understand how your content is resonating with your audience.
  • Measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns: Use analytics to track the effectiveness of your social media advertising campaigns. Monitor your ad performance, conversion rates, and return on investment to ensure that your campaigns are generating a positive return on investment.

By using analytics, you can make data-driven decisions and adjust your strategy to improve your performance on social media.


Paid social media advertising is a powerful way to reach new audiences and promote your products or services. Here are a few ways to make the most of paid advertising on social media:

  • Identify your target audience: Use social media analytics to identify your most engaged audience and create customer personas based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points. Use this information to create targeted ads that speak directly to your audience’s needs.
  • Experiment with different ad formats: Experiment with different ad formats, such as video or carousel ads, to see what resonates best with your audience. Use visually appealing imagery or videos to grab attention and stop users from scrolling.
  • Use retargeting: Use retargeting to show ads to users who have engaged with your brand before. Retargeting can help improve conversion rates and drive sales.
  • A/B testing: Test different ad variations with small audiences to determine what works best before launching a full-scale ad campaign. A/B testing can help you optimize your ad performance and improve your return on investment.

Paid social media advertising can be an effective way to reach new audiences and promote your brand. However, it’s important to set a budget and track your results carefully to ensure that you’re getting a positive return on investment. Use social media analytics to track your ad performance and adjust your strategy as needed.


Collaborating with other businesses or influencers in your industry can be a powerful way to expand your reach and credibility on social media. By partnering with other brands or individuals, you can create content, host events, or run promotions that leverage the audience of both parties. Here are a few ways to collaborate with others on social media:

  • Co-create content: Collaborate with other businesses or influencers in your industry to create content that aligns with both brands. Co-created content can help expand your reach to new audiences and generate more engagement on social media.
  • Host events: Collaborate with other businesses or influencers in your industry to host events, such as webinars or live streams. Events can help create a sense of community around your brand and provide valuable information to your audience.
  • Run promotions: Partner with other businesses or influencers in your industry to run promotions that involve both brands. Promotions can help drive sales and generate user-generated content that you can share on social media.

When collaborating with others, it’s important to choose partners that align with your brand’s values and target audience. By partnering with brands or individuals that share your values and audience, you’re more likely to see success in your collaborations.

In addition to expanding your reach and credibility, collaborations can also help generate user-generated content and boost engagement. By encouraging your audience to participate in collaborations, you can foster a sense of community around your brand and increase the likelihood of user-generated content that you can share on social media.


In today’s age of social media, consumers value authenticity and transparency. Building an authentic social media presence helps build trust with your audience and differentiate your brand from the competition. Here are a few ways to stay authentic on social media:

  • Share your brand’s values: Use social media to showcase your brand’s values and what you stand for. Sharing your brand’s values helps your audience connect with your brand on a deeper level, building trust and loyalty.
  • Be transparent: Share behind-the-scenes looks at your business or processes to provide transparency to your audience. By sharing your processes, you’re showing your audience that you’re confident in your operations and that you have nothing to hide.
  • Respond honestly: When responding to comments or reviews, be honest and transparent with your audience. If you make a mistake, own up to it and take responsibility. Being honest and transparent with your audience helps build credibility and trust.
  • Use a consistent brand voice: Use a consistent tone and voice across all social media platforms to reinforce your brand’s personality and messaging. Consistency in messaging and tone helps build brand recognition and familiarity.
  • Be genuine: When posting on social media, don’t try to be someone you’re not. Instead, be true to yourself and your brand. Posting content that reflects your unique brand personality helps your audience connect with your brand on a personal level.

By staying authentic on platforms, you can build a strong reputation and foster trust with your audience. Remember, social media is just a tool, and it’s up to you to use it to its full potential. By following these tips and embracing the power of social media, you can take your business to the next level.

If you’re an entrepreneur over 40 looking to connect with like-minded women and grow your business, join our BoomX Entrepreneurs Facebook group! We share valuable insights, support each other’s goals, and network to expand our reach. Click here to join. We can’t wait to welcome you to our community!

To further enhance your understanding of social media analytics and access helpful tools, visit our Resources page, where you’ll find a wealth of information and freebies to get you started.




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A woman in grayscale holding a cardboard sign with the phrase 'Perfectly Imperfect' written in black marker. The image promotes the concept of accepting and celebrating imperfections in virtual assistance work. The book cover-like design includes the title 'Embracing Excellence in your online Work' by Christi Balfour.