a phone and earphones on a laptop

Welcome, everyone! Are you eager to enhance your Instagram presence and captivate a wider audience?Well, you’ve come to the right place. Sit back, relax, and allow me to unveil the secrets of Instagram hashtags, —a vital tool for boosting visibility and engagement on the platform. Understanding the Role of Instagram Hashtags Instagram hashtags remain one […]

The Insider’s Guide to Navigating Instagram Hashtags in 2024


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Hey there! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of content pillars. Think of them as the secret ingredients that turn your social media from a simple platform into a vibrant stage where your story unfolds. These pillars are like the heartbeat of your social media strategy, shaping messages that resonate with you and echo […]


a keyboard and a candle on a black surface social media content pillars

As an entrepreneur of a certain age, you might feel intimidated by the ever-changing landscape of social media. But fear not! Social media is an essential tool for growing your business, and with a little know-how, you can leverage its power to connect with your audience, increase your reach, and boost your bottom line. WHEN […]

a close-up of a book


When I'm not rocking the business world, you'll find me savoring an incredible playlist and relishing a glass of delicious cabernet. But my true calling lies in empowering women over 40, igniting their entrepreneurial spirits and breaking through age barriers.

Let's join forces and prove that success knows no bounds! Together, we'll inspire the world and show them what we're made of.

I'm Christi, the audacious lady who left behind the corporate grind to embark on an exciting journey of building my own online business. Fueled by passion and unyielding determination, I crafted my brand from the ground up.


Hey there! Hold up a sec, because I've got a story to share.