Leverage your expertise to start a successful online business with guidance from someone who’s been there.

 Corporate Hustle

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I’m Christi. I’m genuinely thrilled you’re here because if you’re reading this, it means you’re ready to change your life just like I did.

My Story
Five years ago, I was stuck in a corporate grind, working over 50 hours a week. I loved the work, but the daily chaos, the rigid structure, and constantly answering to people whose values didn’t align with mine left me feeling drained and unfulfilled. I knew I couldn’t just up and quit—I needed the paycheck and the benefits. But I also knew I couldn’t keep living like that.

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Empowering Women Over 40 to Embrace Entrepreneurship with Grace and Strategy

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Join Me on This Journey
Are you ready to transform your life and career? Let's embark on this adventure together, crafting a future that's as bright and bold as our dreams. Thank you for being here and choosing to walk this path with me. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.
My Mission
My mission is to empower women over 40 to embrace entrepreneurship, just as I did. I'm here to guide aspiring Virtual Assistants, create comprehensive courses, and provide one-on-one and group coaching tailored to your needs. With my experience and a sprinkle of Southern charm, I'm committed to helping you succeed.

So, I made a plan. I started taking on side projects in the evenings and on weekends, working late into the night and sacrificing my free time. It was tough, and there were so many times I wanted to throw in the towel. But I kept going. After two grueling years, I had built enough of a client base to finally say goodbye to the corporate world.

Now, I’m earning more than double what I made in that 'secure' job, proving to myself and others that taking control of your life pays off—literally and figuratively. I have the freedom to take off whenever I need, and I even afford my own private health insurance. My business runs smoothly, and I’ve never been happier. This journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth every late night and early morning.

KIND WORDS from lovely folks

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