a laptop and a hand holding a cup of coffee

Hey there, friend! Are you on the brink of taking that exciting leap into working with new clients? That’s fantastic, but hold your horses! Diving headfirst into client work without proper preparation is like setting sail in a leaky boat. In this post, we’re going to explore the top five mistakes to avoid to ensure […]

5 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid When Prepping for New Clients


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When I'm not rocking the business world, you'll find me savoring an incredible playlist and relishing a glass of delicious cabernet. But my true calling lies in empowering women over 40, igniting their entrepreneurial spirits and breaking through age barriers.

Let's join forces and prove that success knows no bounds! Together, we'll inspire the world and show them what we're made of.

I'm Christi, the audacious lady who left behind the corporate grind to embark on an exciting journey of building my own online business. Fueled by passion and unyielding determination, I crafted my brand from the ground up.


Hey there! Hold up a sec, because I've got a story to share.