a white tablet next to a plate of pins budget friendly tools

I’m about to spill the tea on something super special: my handpicked “Essential VA Software Guide: Budget-Smart Edition.” This isn’t just any list; it’s the ultimate roundup of Virtual Assistant tools to help you crush it in the VA world, whether you’re balancing the budget or ready to invest in some serious game-changers. Starting out […]

Top 11 Virtual Assistant Tools: Your No-Nonsense Guide to the Best VA Software


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When I'm not rocking the business world, you'll find me savoring an incredible playlist and relishing a glass of delicious cabernet. But my true calling lies in empowering women over 40, igniting their entrepreneurial spirits and breaking through age barriers.

Let's join forces and prove that success knows no bounds! Together, we'll inspire the world and show them what we're made of.

I'm Christi, the audacious lady who left behind the corporate grind to embark on an exciting journey of building my own online business. Fueled by passion and unyielding determination, I crafted my brand from the ground up.


Hey there! Hold up a sec, because I've got a story to share.